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 129 - The Five Doctors

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Who North America
RANK: White Guardian
Who North America

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Registration date : 2007-02-01

129 - The Five Doctors Empty
PostSubject: 129 - The Five Doctors   129 - The Five Doctors EmptyWed Jul 10, 2013 1:51 pm

Post reviews, observations, factoids, etc, regarding this story in this topic. Do not post replies to other people's postings here. This information is being compiled for future publication. Please post your name or a suitable alias (initials, for example) for publication purposes.
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Kevin's Customs
RANK: Brigadier
Kevin's Customs

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Registration date : 2010-10-31

129 - The Five Doctors Empty
PostSubject: Re: 129 - The Five Doctors   129 - The Five Doctors EmptySat Feb 01, 2014 12:30 pm

I loved this story... it is a good way to get a feel for the classic era if you are a noob like myself
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RANK: Keeper of Traken

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129 - The Five Doctors Empty
PostSubject: Re: 129 - The Five Doctors   129 - The Five Doctors EmptySat Jan 06, 2018 4:09 pm

I love everything about this 20th anniversary special.

All of the Doctors were great...and I even like Richard Hurndall playing the First Doctor. The return of many of the companions in supporting roles or cameos was thrilling, and Philip Latham, Dinah Sheridan, and Paul Jerricho are fantastic as Borusa, Flavia, and the Castellan respectively. The return of many of the old monsters and adversaries were great, too...but the introduction of the new Raston warrior robot nearly steals the show.

This is really a love letter to the fans, written by the great Terrance Dicks, and I eat it up with chocolate sauce every time I watch it.
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