I just watched a couple of Tom Baker episodes after having not seen them in about 25 years or so. Here are my critiques.
Warriors' Gate
Thinking back on this episode, I remembered next to nothing about it. So I popped it in to see what it was about. It starts off somewhat interesting, with the slave ship in E-space. There's a certain mystery about the captain and his crew. Where exactly did they come from? Where were they headed with their cargo? The robot guards at the gate were cool, and there was a certain mystery about them too. Who made them? What was their purpose? The lion people (time sensitives) weren't as interesting. It's like they needed a creature for the episode so they took a person and put some fur on him. Pretty lame. The whole story builds up and draws you in. By the end of the 3rd episode, you're waiting for some huge chunk of revelatory knowledge to drop. But it never happens. The captain decides to commit suicide (with his entire crew) for no reason, the lion people conveniently escape, and Romana decides to leave the Doctor on a whim. What just happened?!? No wonder this episode was entirely forgettable. I give it a C- for showing a lot of potential, but completely falling apart at the end.
Horns of Nimon
Now here's a creature I remember. I was a kid when I first saw this, and I thought the Nimon were pretty creepy hanging out in their labyrinth. After another watch, I still like this story. Well-paced and to the point. I like the whole concept of the Nimon going from world to world like locusts. The pod that they used to travel in was cool too. Very reminiscent of the Sontaran ship. Seeing the Nimon today looks a little goofy with the black platform shoes, but the concept itself is scary if you use your imagination. Great story that still holds up over time. I give it an A- for good overall plot, inventive creatures/threat, witty Baker humor, and consistent nostalgia value.
Horns of Nimon trumps Warriors' Gate by a long shot.