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 Jungles of Mechanus Set Review

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3 posters
Invisible Supreme
RANK: Time Lord Council Guard
Invisible Supreme

Number of posts : 2168
Registration date : 2010-03-16

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review Empty
PostSubject: Jungles of Mechanus Set Review   Jungles of Mechanus Set Review EmptyThu Oct 01, 2020 5:52 pm

On August 26th, 2020, the official Character Toys YouTube channel announced the first Character Online-exclusive Doctor Who box set, cleverly titled The Jungles of Mechanus.

The set, limited to five thousand copies, was immediately available for pre-order, with a shipping date of September 7th.

Who North America was able to obtain a very limited number of these sets shortly after the release. As you may expect, they quickly sold out. I was able to obtain one of these sets, and I was much happier giving my business to WhoNA rather than Character directly. God bless Keith and Jany!

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review 7bEwuVS

The figure set arrived still inside the original Character shipping box, which itself had been shipped to me in a standard WhoNA shipping box. Boxception!

I kept the figures mint in the box for several days, until I got bored of looking through the plastic barrier. When I opened them up, I noticed an oily residue on both the transparent plastic holding the figures in place, as well as on the figures themselves. It hasn't really been an issue, but it is a bit odd. The oiliness seems to wear off as I handle them, at least somewhat.

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review YCMuoyZ

The dome lights feel more pliable and rubbery than any of the other dome lights on classic or new series Dalek figures, but the sculpt is superb.

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review IA5yXfD

The paint application is (almost surprisingly) satisfactory. I haven't noticed any serious paint bleeds or errors, with the exception of one Dalek having the underside of its middle neck ring unpainted. Overall, I think the color app effectively captures the likeness of the original movie--sorry, uh, Chase props. Wink

I'm also pleased that they chose to re-use the straight-wired gun sculpt from the Imperial Dalek release in 2010, which is accurate to how these Daleks' weapons looked in the movie (and the show).

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review GHyAYkk

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review 1Gltk9b

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review I4eSHYV

A comparison gallery:

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review GS1i7bX

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review 773X7gZ

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review CkaONrf

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review Z9KpSb6

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review KNAINTc

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review 0S4XSPz

I knew that I was interested in purchasing one of these sets as soon as I saw they were available on the Character website. The two Dalek movies were so colorful and fun, and more than that, they were my best introduction to Doctor Who.

All in all, The Jungles of Mechanus is one of the coolest sets Character Toys has produced.


(Also, credit to the Action Figure Theater for the floor/wall/door backdrops!)

Last edited by Invisible Supreme on Wed Dec 16, 2020 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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RANK: Time Lord Commoner

Number of posts : 1276
Age : 61
Registration date : 2012-01-06

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jungles of Mechanus Set Review   Jungles of Mechanus Set Review EmptyFri Oct 02, 2020 10:24 pm

I actually have an account with Character Options that I set up years ago but I guess I missed out on these. Still its similar to the one I have with the bumper from Dalek Invasion of Earth so I will live with it.
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RANK: Time Lord Council Guard

Number of posts : 2488
Registration date : 2008-07-16

Jungles of Mechanus Set Review Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jungles of Mechanus Set Review   Jungles of Mechanus Set Review EmptyMon Oct 05, 2020 9:13 am

Excellent review! Let's hope that Character keeps on rolling out more toys into 2021.
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